Salmonella in Cilantro, Coriander recall

My next problem was Cilantro. Now what the heck might that be. I had to check it up. Cilantro is actually the name of the plant that produces the Coriander seeds. I like using freshly crushed dried Coriander for Lamb Provencial, together with fresh rosemary, thyme and garlic in a red wine marinade. Does that mean I have to leave out the coriander seeds, or is just the green part of the plant infected? (which I have never used anyway)

Icelandic Festival in Gimli

The Icelandic Festival or Islendingadagurinn starts today in Gimli. It is the 119th occurance of this annual festival.
The event will culminate in the annual parade on Monday. The parade will start at 10 am and will be attended by Iceland’s foreign minister Ingibjorg Solrun Gisladottir who is expected to toast Canada.