Construction on South Beach Casino Hotel delayed

The South Beach Casino Hotel in Scanterbury Manitoba was supposed to be opening at the end of this summer. Delays caused by an ongoing investigation by the province’s workplace safety and health division this date may not be met. Construction has been closed down untill the end of the investigation.

Hydro will be raising its prices

Manitoba Hydro has been ordered to raise the price of electricity by 5 percent! Everybody think again, before you put on that air conditioning before you go to the beach. I know its great to come back and have a place to cool off after a hot day, but this year that could prove to be expensive.

Rogers vs MTS for mobile phones at the Lake

Well, Rogers mobile phone services is a lot cheaper than MTS and I liked the phone they were offering with their plan. It wasn’t the iPhone of course, but it was a top of the line Nokia. What I also liked alot was the fact that the technology used enables me to switch the SIM card in the phone and use a different mobile phone provider when I am in Europe. They also told me that the Rogers phone services would work in Europe, but admitted that the roaming costs would kill me. One thing I just cannot understand though, is why in Canada we have to pay extra for every little thing that Europeans consider to be part of a standard mobile phone package – such as ‘caller-id display’, ‘call forwarding’, ‘voice mail’, etc. In Europe nobody would accept a mobile plan where you have to pay for incoming calls either.