Blackouts and power outages after high winds

For most of us in this area the outages only lasted for a few hours. Some parts of Vancouver on the other hand have been without power for 3 days already – and some won’t be able to turn on their electric stove till late Wednesday according to the BC Hydro Company. 2000 customers were without power there. The traffic lights didn’t work and absolute chaos resulted. I’m glad that didn’t happen here! Could you imagine being without traffic lights for 3 whole days?

Soring food prices. Contaminated Tomatoes

Well if it is any consolation, they aren’t sure it’s the tomatoes! It could be chillies, hot peppers, jalapenos or something else too. So don’t worry about buying those red solanaceous herbs or Paradise Apples as the Germans used to call tomatoes. The peppers you are putting into your salad could be just as contagious!