Münchner Chronik 8. August …
Hier erfahren Sie Alltägliches, Kurioses und Bemerkenswertes aus der Stadtchronik Münchens. Heute vom 8. August …
Hier erfahren Sie Alltägliches, Kurioses und Bemerkenswertes aus der Stadtchronik Münchens. Heute vom 8. August …
Well, it’s over. The jackpot was cracked, the 43 million are gone.
Actually it was more than 43 million, it ended up being over 45 million dollars: $45,145,712.00!
Now is also the perfect time to go blueberry picking and huckleberry picking along the Beaches of Lake Winnipeg.
Blueberries and Huckleberries are basically the same thing though some say the real Huckleberry has larger seeds, making it more difficult to eat.
One problem you have with Chanterelle is that they tend to have their fins stuck full of sand grains. Though a very tasty mushroom, this sometimes turns people off from picking and cooking them.
Chanterelle. Unlike other mushrooms Chanterelle are easy to recognise. They are bright yellow, and grow in a funnel shape.
A good place to go Chanterelle picking is Elk Island this time of year.
Hier erfahren Sie Alltägliches, Kurioses und Bemerkenswertes aus der Stadtchronik Münchens. Heute vom 7. August …
On the other hand Saskatchawan is expected to lead the economic growth followed closely by Manitoba.
Does that mean all the Manitobans that moved to Alberta will be coming back? Or better yet, does it mean that Manitoba can follow Alberta’s lead and lower or abolish PST? Lower income tax?
A 29 year old man was fatally injured in what was called an altercation on Third Avenue about 3 a.m. Sunday, leaving him laying there bloody and beaten. Marking a tragic conclusion to the Gimli Icelandic Festival
The mayor of Churchill is asking for provincial government assistance to help the population deal with gas prices that are just under 2 Dollars a liter! This peak in gas prices has been afflicting the community since February.
August and early September are the perfect time to go to Manitoba’s Beaches! Weather is warm, mid to upper 80s, it is the sunniest time of year and the mosquitos have quieted down. Enjoy the summer by renting a cottage for a week.
Folklorama has started. It even brought us an important visitor to our Province. Prime Minister Stephen Harper dropped by on his way back to Ottawa, to try and rally some Filipino voter support for his next election.
Looks like this week-end will be nice and warm, but not too hot for the Eastern Beaches Area of Lake Winnipeg.
Hier erfahren Sie Alltägliches, Kurioses und Bemerkenswertes aus der Stadtchronik Münchens. Heute vom 6. August …
Reservierungswucher auf der Wiesn, Oktoberfest
Das das Oktoberfest von Jahr zu Jahr immer teuerer wird ist ja nichts neues. Doch wenn man einen Sitzplatz ergattern will auf der Wiesn, muss man teilweise schon ganz viele berappen. Da sind Preise von 200€ aufwärts nichts neues
Hier erfahren Sie Alltägliches, Kurioses und Bemerkenswertes aus der Stadtchronik Münchens. Heute vom 5. August …