As my mother is over visiting I thought it might be a nice idea to take the canoe to Elk Island, as we both haven’t been there in years. Me because I never take the time and mom, because she hasn’t been to Hillside Beach in a few years.
We packed the canoe on the roof of the Jeep and drove to the boat launch across from the island.
It was a nice canoe ride across and we ditched the boat on the beach near the point facing Victoria Beach. Mom hid the paddles in the dunes so no-one could just take off with the boat.
We walked down the south shore up to the path that cuts across the island and followed it till we came to the turn-off to the east shore – walked all the way to the east shore and then followed the beach back to where the canoe was. The whole excursion took about two hours.
We had hoped to find some chanterelles, but there weren’t any. There were a few other mushrooms that we knew, but we had set our minds on chanterelles and thus came back empty handed. We did lunch on blueberries and huckleberries though.
- Canoe on Beach
- Canoe on Beach
- Canoe on Jeep
- Canoe on Jeep
- Elk Island doesn’t seem to be healthy for everyone
- Elk Island doesn’t seem to be healthy for everyone