Rogers vs MTS for mobile phones at the Lake

Well, Rogers mobile phone services is a lot cheaper than MTS and I liked the phone they were offering with their plan. It wasn’t the iPhone of course, but it was a top of the line Nokia. What I also liked alot was the fact that the technology used enables me to switch the SIM card in the phone and use a different mobile phone provider when I am in Europe. They also told me that the Rogers phone services would work in Europe, but admitted that the roaming costs would kill me. One thing I just cannot understand though, is why in Canada we have to pay extra for every little thing that Europeans consider to be part of a standard mobile phone package – such as ‘caller-id display’, ‘call forwarding’, ‘voice mail’, etc. In Europe nobody would accept a mobile plan where you have to pay for incoming calls either.

Canada Day, Fête du Canada, Dominion Day

Historicaly it marks the union of the province of Canada with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on July 1st 1867, and the begin of a long march to total independance – completed in 1982 with the Constitution Act. On this day in 1867 the former Province of Canada was divided into the two current provinces of Quebec and Ontario, thus also marking the begin of a totally different problem. Separationism.

Local weather forecast for the Eastern Beaches Area

Though it can be sunny at the Beaches the weather forcast for Southern Manitoba will predict rain. I wish Environment Canada would discover the area from Patricia Beach to Victoria Beach. Not even Grand Beach gets mentioned in 99% of the weather forecasts! A good place to check the current weather is our Eastern Beaches Website. We have a link there that displays the current weather for the Beaches Area of Manitoba.

Advertise your Business

Advertise your business on the Eastern beach website. You own or run a business in Manitoba? You can now advertise your business in the Manitoba business section of the Eastern Beaches Website. You run or own a business at the Eastern beach area? Advertise in the beaches business section. Are Read more…

Manitoba Kanada,

Manitoba ist eine der besten Ziele für Wildbeobachtungen, mit einer der höchsten Vorkommen an Elchen, Wapiti und Schwarzbären. Zudem finden Sie hier Wölfe, Füchse und Biber. Nahe der Hudson Bay können Sie weiße Tiere der Küstenregion bestaunen. Unter ihnen Eisbären, Killerwale, arktische Füchse, Scheehühner und viele andere mehr

Cheryl Davis is on her way to Munich Germany

Cheryl Davis the operator of the Idle Thyme Restaurant in Traverse Bay is on her way to Munich Germany. She will be visiting Klaus and Fredrick there. Cheryl will be returning on April 8th. This is her third trip to Munich the last time she went she brought along some friends to go to Oktoberfest in October of 2007. For more information on this trip and to see what she did the last times she was there g  to her Read more…